Dan Bolan

I love to learn and I love to build.


ispace Europe

Senior Software Engineer, Software Group Manager

June 2019 – February 2024

First software engineer at ispace Europe, responsible for laying the technical groundwork for a major business initiative around data. Building GIS tools and computing infrastructure to assist mission planning workflows for a wide array of lunar missions. Promoted to Software Group Manager in 2023, heading up a team of 8 people.


Software Engineer

June 2015 – August 2018

Frontend and backend development for Google Maps, Search, Assistant, and Cloud Platform. You've likely run code that I've written. As side projects I helped to bring Street View to the International Space Station and added other planets to Maps.

Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration

Data Management Intern

April 2015

Spent three weeks on a ship off the coast of Puerto Rico exploring the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. Maintained video pipelines for dive recordings from ROV cameras to YouTube livestreams and archives.

University of New Hampshire

Research Assistant

January 2014 – June 2015

Contributed to research both in data visualization and motion planning for robotics. Data visualization research focused primarily around quantifying the cognitive benefit of animation in vector field displays, while motion planning research explored using spatial decompositions to more intelligently weight RRT searches.

UNH InterOperability Lab

Software Engineer

June 2011 – December 2013

Developed and maintained a large library of drivers essential for in-house testing automation software, as well as contributed extensively to the central automation engine. Redesigned and implemented a website for reporting test results.


Bolan D. & Calzada Díaz, A., 2023. European Lunar Symposium 2023, p. 34. Continuous-Domain Constrainment of Lunar Meteorite Source Regions.

Calzada Díaz, A., Bolan D., & Puntar M., 2020. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Mission Planning for a Lunar Polar Mission: ispace's Polar Ice Explorer.

Ware C., Bolan D., Miller R., Rogers D. H., & Ahrens J. P., 2016. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception SAP '16. Animated versus static views of steady flow patterns. doi:10.1145/2931002.2931012


Master of Science

University of New Hampshire

2013 – ongoing

GPA 3.75/4. Part of the accelerated Masters program. Nearly complete, but left early to start working in industry.

Bachelor of Science

University of New Hampshire

2010 – 2014

GPA 3.58/4, Magna Cum Laude. Dean's List four years, National Prime Users Group Scholarship, Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and others.